Motormouth: Tailgating other cars on the highway is stupid and dangerous

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Editors%2 Fimages%2 F1742196344975 Motormouth+ +Tailgating+Other+Cars+On+The+Highway+Is+Stupid+And+Dangerous+ +Pic1

Habitual tailgaters in the Philippines have more driving “skills” than common sense.

[Story by guest columnist J.Q Qiu]

These jokers have an automatic tendency to tailgate other cars on the road, even when the traffic ahead has started to build up. 

Average travelling speeds even seem to increase as the weather deteriorates, almost as if these reckless speedsters think they will be able to escape the rain if they drive fast enough.

Unsurprisingly, a chain collision is the usual result, with all parties typically holding up traffic in the express lane as they pose, posture and gesture, as it's suddenly the fault of the driver in front of them for not braking in time, or even - gasp - travelling too slowly!

What these back-end tail-kissers haven't quite grasped is the concept of keeping a safe distance with the two-second rule and all! 

Yes, the Traffic Code is relevant even when you've gotten the coveted driving licence, although judging by the dismal standards of most motorists in the Philippines, it's easy enough to believe it has actually become less challenging to obtain this passport to self-empowerment.

Worst thing is, newly-qualified drivers seem to be under the impression that they should throw everything they've learnt in driving school out of the window. 

After all, once you've passed the practical driving test, what better way to drive like an “expert” than by picking up all the bad habits of your forefathers! 

Don't bother with the turn signal since it just makes other cars speed up to cut you off. Conversely, when you see other drivers indicating their intentions, that's the signal for you to head them off at the pass.

We rookie drivers love nothing more than to follow closely behind the car in front to showcase our newfound skills to our admiring girlfriends. 

"Hey honey, watch me slipstream behind him, don't worry, my race-honed reflexes are really quick, I can brake in time..." Famous last words. 

Editors%2 Fimages%2 F1742196395388 Motormouth+ +Tailgating+Other+Cars+On+The+Highway+Is+Stupid+And+Dangerous+ +Pic2Tailgating might be less dangerous if the target in front is a mobile cushion.

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